Healthy African American Families II (HAAF) was founded in 1992 by the late Dr. Loretta Jones. It was originally funded by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to investigate low birth weight and infant mortality in African American women in Los Angeles. Since then HAAFII has grown into a multi-faceted community agency. Part of our mission is to ensure research is being done ethically and equitably in community. We believe in a bidirectional learning model, where all knowledge is important and we hold our partners accountable for reporting back and creating wins for both academia and community.

HAAF is widely regarded in the community as an advocate voice, and source of education and training around disparities and research, for the local community. Our partners include Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science, the University of California, Los Angeles, the RAND Corporation, and over 150 community based organizations.  As such, we are dedicated to addressing social, institutional and policy determinants of health equity.   


Our Mission

Healthy African American Families is a non-profit, community serving agency. Our mission is to improve the health outcomes of the African American, Latino and Korean communities in Los Angeles County by enhancing the quality of care and advancing social progress through education, training, and collaborative partnering with community, academia, researchers and government.

Our Pillars